Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For enquiring minds!

I hear enquiring minds want an update since my episode with the awful dumping syndrome! You'll be glad to hear - no more dumping episodes since last weeks - YAY!!! I have more and more energy each day - which is leaving me more and more bored. I've been trying to do one thing fun every day to help with the boredom. On Saturday I went to one of my teens Confirmation, then hung out with The Mortons and then visited with the Scarfo's - it was a very long, yet wonderful day. I was quite tired when I got home and in some pain, but it was worth it! Sunday I slept late and rested most of the day and then got ready and headed to IC in Malden to go to Mass and then to the first night of Illimuna! It was sooo wonderful - everything about it! It was also my first time receiving Communion since surgery. Thankfully Scott was an EM and I asked him before communion if he could break a small piece of the host for me. He was great and broke me the tiniest piece!! It felt really great to be able to receive the Eucharist again - I've missed it these past 3 weeks. Mass was AMAZING (well the music - the priest - he was hard to understand!) Illumina was an awesome hour of adoration with again, GREAT music! I love visiting IC! I loved catching up with Margo and Scott and PJ as well as all the other ICer's who I've come to know and love! Last night I got to visit with a dear friend Luke for a little bit. We met up in Framingham as I needed to go buy another book (I am reading the Twilight Series - WOW - SOOOO GOOD!) So Luke met me at Barnes and Nobles. It was good to catch up and laugh! Today I am headed up for Youth Group tonight - we are having Friends Thanksgiving with them all and I can't wait to share dinner with the teens and adults! So I guess you could say I am busy - I still get really tired and I definitely feel the strain in my core muscles but I can't keep spending day after day on the couch. The hardest struggle food/drink right now is remembering to eat! Hours pass and I forget to eat - whoops! I also struggle with cold drinks (except milk and popsicles). When I drink them it makes my stomach contract and I get this funny funny feeling in my abdomen. This also happens with water - any temp. So I've been drinking more tea, and sugar free hot chocolate as making crystal light. Seems to help, but I have to have room temperature crystal light. Other than those small things - everything is GREAT!


HerMajesty00 said...

Kate sounds like things are going super! I am praying for u.

margmor said...

Yay! Yay for no dumping, Yay for coming to IC!! Don't get bored, come visit more often!