Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are there such things as petty questions?

Tomorrow I spend the day at Brigham and Women's. I have an 11 AM appointment with Dr. Lautz (my surgeon) and a 1 PM appointment with the anesthesiologist, admitting nurse and lab work. My past experiences with Dr. Lautz's office is he is usually about 45 min behind schedule (which actually I am ok with because he does not rush you during appointments at all and will sit with you until all questions are answered.) Not sure about this other appointment - but I am just planning on the majority of my day will be spent at the hospital. I have spent most of yesterday and today thinking and writing down all my questions. I am sure I am missing many more! When looking at my list I think how petty some of these questions are, but I really don't know the answers to them. I want to know if I can receive the Eucharist for the next two weekends, and then what about after surgery? When can I drive? When can I hold my nephew again? What are you doing with my gall-bladder? What will my pain be like? How is my pain going to be controlled with my family history of codeine allergy? Can I go to the NCCYM in early December? One would think that my questions would be more specific about the surgery, about recovery and eating... but I know all that info and I have a handy dandy red folder that answers 99% of those questions... but it's all these little ones that actually really bother me that I don't know the answers too. No worries though - in a little over 12 hours hopefully all of these will be answered - i'll keep you posted!!

1 comment:

margmor said...

I didn't see one petty question there, and I hope you asked them all until you got good answers! I want to know what you learn, so blog it missy!