Sunday, October 26, 2008

12 hours and counting....

W.O.W!!!! I have no words to fully describe what tonight has been like. Such a powerful blessing has been bestowed on me. A few weeks ago Fr. Paul and I were talking about the Anointing of the Sick and talking about my surgery. Originally I was going to go into Braintree to have lunch with Fr. Matt, go to the noon Mass and have Fr. Matt anoint me after. But I completely spaced about that and those plans fell through. So Fr. Paul said yes to anointing me when I asked him. It's kinda funny how everything works out - originally I was VERY against Fr. Paul doing this - he is also know as Fr. Death - as almost 100% of the people he anoints die. But Fr. Ventura was away this weekend - so it left me with no other choice - and honestly it couldn't have been any better. Fr. Paul offered if I would like it done during the 5:00 PM Mass. He also offered to have the teenagers involved in some way. I agreed, not really knowing exactly how this would play out. So tonight I head over for Mass around 4:30 to train a new Eucharistic Minister. The church got very full very quickly. After the homily and prayers of the faithful, Fr. Paul called me upfront for my anointing. He also at this time invited all the young people to come up and surround me. He explained what he was going to be doing. After the beginning prayer, he invited all of the teens and then also the congregation to extend their hands over me and pray with Fr. Paul. Fr. Paul anointed my head and my hands and said the prayer. WOW - it was more powerful than I every anticipated. Now I really have not been emotional at all about everything, well that was up until this point. When I saw the numbers of teenagers that had come to Mass and came forward when Fr. Paul invited them - i was very humbled. There were over a hundred teens there - many of whom specifically came for this. The tears streamed down my face during the anointing, and most of the rest of Mass.... even now just thinking about it. I couldn't have asked for a better way to leave and be sent on my way for surgery... with the love, prayers and support of my parish family - and all of my teens that I love so much.

I am getting finishing up all the last minute things at the office right now... I am leaving everything in very capable hands! I think I've thought of everything that could possibly come up - but I am sure there will be things I didn't think of!! My office is clean (miraculously!! lol!) My e-mail away message is on, my voicemail is changed... it's time to walk out the doors. Part of me thinks that if I just stay here - tomorrow morning won't come.... I am excited and scared to death all at the same time. But with all of the prayers and support that I know I have rooting for me - I am actually beginning to believe I will be fine.

Until I return home from the hospital.....

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