Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Spoke too soon....

So it hasn't been the greatest of the past 10 days or so, and not looking up yet either. I have begun to loose a lot of hair (a side effect with rapid weight loss.) Some people loose lots, others none at all. I thought I was in the clear as it usually appears around month 2 and I am almost at month 4... but no such luck. About 2 weeks ago I began to notice a lot of hair loss after showers and then throughout the day. So when I was at the hair dresser today - Kellie (my stylist - she's been cutting my hair since High School) noticed that I was thinning on the top of my head even before I mentioned it to her. It has begun to really bug me... so she suggested going shorter and adding more layers to increase the volume to make the thinning less noticeable until my hair begins to grow back and thicken again (usually about 6-8 months post op.) So, my hair is up to my chin now with cute new layers - i like it - which is a bonus!! I am still suffering from my weekend "issue" which is sssslllloooowwwwllly getting better. Then today, why I haven't learned this lesson yet, I was sitting with some of my teens at youth group just chatting as everyone arrived. I had just warmed up some chicken and black beans for dinner and was pretty pumped about eating it! Well I was talking and laughing with the kids when I swallowed too much because I wasn't paying attention to chewing since I was talking. Well this "stuck" episode was WAAAYYY worse than my last one. I have officially now thrown up... not just once - but 4 times. Luckily - throwing up now - it's not too bad... it's more like baby spit up quantity and it doesn't really hurt (well the first 2 times... by the 4th time - my little pouchie poo wasn't liking it too much!) It made the pain of the stuck food go away much faster than before. But now my pouch is irritated and not liking really anything that I put into it - even just water. I hope after a nights sleep and resting it, I will feel better in the morning. And to top all this off - I have a cold, which I can't take anything for (no OTC meds at all anymore for colds, etc.. just Tylenol only and only if REALLY needed.) And aunt flo has arrived.... uugghh.. it's been a week..... thanks for letting me whine. However - I have crossed the 65 pounds lost mark! :)


margmor said...

I think it's very wise of you for getting all this misery over with in one week. Good planning Kate!!

HerMajesty00 said...

Hey I was thinking what Margo said! It is so wise of you to multi-task your misery Kate! :>o