Monday, March 2, 2009


Well, I am all registered for the 2009 Groton Road Race 5K!! AAHH!!! I am so excited, yet also feeling like I am out of my league a little! I am loving running, and have always wanted to be a runner and just never could do it. Walking was getting a little boring so I decided to spice things up a bit and run!! It's become such a great release and mental exercise for me! Each time I run I get stronger and can run longer! I run about 3-4 times a week for anywhere from 30-45 minutes. I've got a great friend Nan, who's a personal training and specializes in training athletes for running and triathalons! She's helped me with giving me great tips and pointers on training and such! My sister-in-law may run the race with me which would be so great and fun! Rangeley (one of my peer leaders) is going to run it with me as well!! So come on out and run with us, or enjoy the day and cheer us on!! It's gonna be a huge NSV for me!!


HerMajesty00 said...

Katie you will love it! I did my very first race last July (5 miles). I had 2 goals, run the whole thing and not come in last! And I did it.
This year my very trim, in shape sister in law wants to run it with me as she has never done a race either. The oddest part is just before the race as you are warming up and you are amazed that all the runners treat you like one of them. Then you realize that HEY you ARE a runner! Good luck!

margmor said...

Go Kate Go!!!!

Kyle said...

hey Kate! Viting K&K in Calif! Great times - looked up your website and no update since Mar 2!!! Looking for current pictures. Way to go on the race.

Kyle said...

oops that comment was from Kyle's computer - this is Kyle's mom

Haven Heimann said...

Are you ok? I'm getting a little worried! When was the race? Did you do well? How are you?
mom Heimann