Wow has it been awhile since i've posted... sorry =(
On happier notes: I FINISHED the road race!! I completed it and met my goals for the race too! (well actually surpassed them!)
Leading up to the race, I had injured my knee (i've got pretty bad IT band tendonitis - and it began to act up as soon as I moved to running outside at the beginning of April.) Then for this past week I was in Vermont on a mission trip. While I had intentions of running while I was there - it was cold and rainy and I was functioning on no more than 5 hours of sleep a night - needless to say - I didn't get one run in all week. On Sunday I wasn't feeling the greatest and really anxious about the big race. I hadn't run in 9 days, my knee was still a little tender, and it was HOT... like in the 80's. The race was to begin at 11:50 AM. Luckily for me, Rangeley was running the race with me and I knew I would disappoint him soooo much if I didn't run - he had been looking forward to racing with me for weeks now. I just couldn't disappoint him. And I had Dan Harms and Girlfriend Meghan here too to push me and cheer me on - which was wonderful as well. I began my Sunday morning by heading with Dan and Meghan to 9 AM Mass in Groton. Downing lots of water and a protein drink on the drive to Church. Receiving Jesus before the race was helpful too!! ;) We met up with Rangeley and his mom Jenn and sister Sam just after 10 AM at the Groton Junior High School. Range had picked up his number and everything already. I was a little overwhelmed to say the least. I had NO CLUE what I was doing and I really began to regret registering. Everyone around me seemed like such avid and professional runners - even the hundreds of little kids. Range took me into the registration area to find my name along the 5k wall to get my race number - 5178 to be exact! Then off to the number line to get my number to pin on me, my ankle bracelet and my bag of goodies. We then went back and hung out with Jenn, Sam, Dan and Meghan for a while. I ate a rice cake with peanut butter and had more water. It was sunny and not a cloud in the sky and warming up very quickly. I ran into a bunch of teachers from my high school which was kinda wild!! I think I surprised many of them! I mean Kate Deasy was the LAST person they'd expect to see RUNNING a 5k!! My old Athletic Trainer was there. He was by far the most surprised... his actual words were... "Kate Deasy?! Never thought I'd see the day!!" It made me laugh... a lot! Around 11:15 Range and I took a warm up jog through the parking lot and then stretched out a lot. At 11:40 they called for all 5k runners to head to the starting line. There we happened to be standing next to two other former teachers of mine! It was pretty cool to begin the race with them. At 11:50 we were off to the musket fire! Now, Rangeley is a cross country and track runner.. i.e. - much faster than me. I kept telling him he didn't have to run with me the whole way - as that wouldn't be fun and would be painfully slow for him (he runs a mile in under 6 minutes!) He stuck with me to the 1 mile mark, then took off a head of me. My first mile was my slowest... I think due to nerves. I did it in 14 minutes. Right around there I actually thought I was the last runner, but a quick look behind me told me I was definitely not the last one - there were a few hundred behind me!! I think that gave me the confidence boost I needed. My knee began to really bug me so I slowed down to a fast walk for about 1/3 mile. Of course that was when Dan, Meghan, Jenn and Sam decided to show up and be cheering along the course!! lol!! After walking the pain out and stretching a little I felt good enough to run again. I ran and actually was passing people - again something I never thought i'd experience... and the people I was passing were by looks - in shape... i mean skinny!! It was a weird feeling - me of all people, running for one, and two actually PASSING people who were also running!! The 1.5 - 2.5 mile was the toughest - hilly hilly hilly!! But luckily the road was shaded and the wind seemed to pick up! And the best part people whose houses were on that road had sprinklers set up... so many cooling sprays along the way!! I passed Dan, Meghan, Jenn and Sam again right after the 2.5 mark. As much as they were slightly embarrassing making such a scene - it was nice and gave me that extra umph to go! Range was done then too so he was there as well. I rounded the last corner bringing me back onto the track - we had to finish with a 1/2 lap to the finish line. It was very cool to cross the finish line - having completed the race and surpassed my 2 goals. They were 1. Finish the race in under 50 minutes (I did it in 41 minutes and 27 seconds!) and 2. don't be last!! I am soooo glad I didn't back out and so glad I ran it! I definitely have the runners high going on! I can't wait until May 1st when I can register for the Falmouth Road Race! Training for that begins on Wednesday!! :) Here are some pics of the day!!
Running... around the 2.5 mile mark
After the race with Dan, Meghan and Sam!